Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I'm having waaay too much fun over at Goodreads, and I haven't even started doing reviews yet. So far all I've done is find books I have read and put them on my 'read' shelf. And WOW have I ever read a lot of books. I don't feel remotely done, despite the 361 books I have already put in. I'm going to have to spend a few hours at the library to get close to finished.

And while I'm looking for books I have read, I keep finding books I want to read. These books, added to the books I have checked out/want to check out at the library and the interesting books I have seen at the Bookstore, make for more reading than I could finish in the next year, unless I dropped out of school to become a professional reader. Somehow I think my parents would object to this.

So many books, so little time.

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