Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Saturday Sale, July 12

I really regret not taking the time to do a blog for last Saturday's sale, as it was a cool one. However, it has made me more determined to keep up. So, whether you like it or not, here is next Saturday's sale.

Buy 2 hardback books, get one free. The least expensive book will be the free one. This applies only to general book, and excludes children's books, religious books, church distribution items, and used books. Cannot be combined with any other promotion. Yadda yadda yadda.

There aren't really any books that fall into this category that I'm dying to buy (good thing, too, as I bought a camera, went out to dinner, bought some books, and bought supplies for my birthday party this Friday with this paycheck). However, I do have recommendations for anyone else who may have an inclination to buy and money to spend.

Gramercy Classics - you may have seen them. They are doing some of the classics, printing them in little hardbound books. I have fallen in love with this publisher; however, I have already bought their copy of Pride and Prejudice and the Bookstore only carries that and Jane Eyre. At least as far as I know. At any rate, these books are cute and relatively inexpensive.

I spoke of The Wit and Wisdom of Discworld on my other blog a while ago, a book I wanted and believed Goober was going to buy for me. I ended up buying it for myself. : D I would definitely recommend this to anyone who loves Terry Pratchett. It is, in a nutshell, all the best jokes from all of the books pulled into one.

Also in hardcover is Terry Pratchett's latest book, Making Money. I haven't read this one yet, nor do I know much about it, but it's Terry Pratchett, so it must be good.

Baby-gami by Andrea Sarvady. I must admit that I want this book. I have a baby sister, and I think it would be cool to carry her around and wrap her up so nice and neat. Yes indeed yes indeed... (If you read that last bit with a sing-song I'm-talking-to-a-baby voice, it will make sense.) This book gives step-by-step instructions that tell a mother, father, sister, brother, etc., how to wrap a baby in a blanket or other fabric. Less expensive than a carrier cooler, too.

If We Ever Break Up, This is My Book by Jason Logan. I once sat in the Bookstore after my shift and read the whole thing. I've never had a breakup, nor do I seem destined for one in the near future, but I really liked this book anyway. Checklists, pictures, pie charts, profound words... it's great.

I strongly recommend (as I will for every sale) that y'all just go and browse. There are many books that are hardcover, and I didn't look through every section or even write down all the ones I saw in the sections I did look through.

This=harder than I thought.

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