Thursday, February 5, 2009

Subject: Answers (finally)



July 5

I hope my friends haven't terrorized and traumatized you too much. They're a rowdy bunch. As you now know firsthand.

Anyway, seeing you is finally getting me to answer your last email. And may I say you ask the oddest questions.

1. You've met my parents. You be the judge.

2. Sixteen.

3. In my mind, there are three degrees of crazy: where you think you're sane, where you know you're insane but go with it, and where you're beyond help. It's best to realize you're a little insane and go with it. When I first met you, you certainly thought you were sane, but you seem to be slowly realizing and accepting how wacky you are.

4. All I have to say is, "My eyes are fully opened to my awful situation..." ; )

5. Why would you want to major in English? Too much non-fun writing. I say go for directing. If that's what you want, that's what you should do.

6. I'm a what? And I'm talking to a what? And why? You're going to have to explain this one a bit better if you really want me to give you any sort of answer. Right now I'm a little lost.

And with that last question of yours in mind, I want to ask one: where on earth do you get those odd ideas for stories?

Feel no need to write back soon - if I can go a week without answering, I deserve a week or more without an answer. ; )


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