Thursday, February 5, 2009

Subject: Huzzah for answers!



July 5

You must be kidding about number 2. Please tell me you're kidding about number 2!

Also, it seems that you consider the 'normal' people to be the ones that realize they're a little bit crazy. Am I right?

See, that's what I've been thinking. So I suppose I'm right, now that you're independently backing me up. I love writing, but all those theories... and then there's the fact that I've never really been a fan of most of the so-called classics. Call me a heathen, but I just don't go for those things.

I suppose I should have never even considered the English major. I am a little insane.

Never mind about the situation I was asking about - I've scrapped the idea for now.

I actually loved your friends, by the way. I seem to have gotten myself mixed up in a crowd that thinks the amount of fun being had depends on how much noise is being made. Your friends know how to have fun at a reasonable volume. I wouldn't mind getting to know them better - I don't suppose you have any post-Fourth parties in planning? Even impromptu ones?

I get my story ideas from everywhere. Most mornings I get on my computer soon after waking up to write down a brief summary of my dream. Some great stories have come from my subconscious. I sometimes find a person that I think is really interesting, turn them into a character, and build a story around them. Sometimes they just pop into my head. I remember one day I was wandering across campus listening to some music and suddenly got an idea for a story. When you're a writer, story ideas are everywhere. It's just like photography - you see things that other people don't.

Don't worry, I forgive you for not answering. I know life can get crazy.

That said, I expect an answer to this email posthaste!

(Just joking.)


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